A new attempt from Apple away from its known devices, the company began to create a new team of engineers specialized in the Internet space.
He recently joined Apple's John Fenwick, who was the chief of space operations at Google, and Michael Trela, who was the head of satellite engineering. Greg Duffy, who also worked for Alfapet, is head of the company after taking over Dropcam.
It is still too early to talk about Apple's plans and direction, but it seems to be related to the distribution and deployment of the Internet because of the people's experience in the team. Fenwick founded SkyBox, the space photography company that Google acquired and then sold.
It is clear that Apple has attracted the most important figures that have worked with its rival Google - rather Alapabet - on projects linked to the Internet. Google and Facebook have been racing to devise new ways to spread the Internet in remote areas, whether through submarines, drones or satellites.
Apple has provided financing to the Boeing giant, which is developing a project from satellites flying in the near-Earth orbit to distribute the Internet.
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