Microsoft intends to integrate the ad blocking feature with its Edge browser

It turned out earlier this week that Google plans to develop a feature built-in with Google Chrome in order to block ads. On the same footing, Microsoft now seems to be planning to do the same.

A report from the adage website reveals that the so-called "Alliance for Better Advertisements", which includes Google and Microsoft as active members, is looking at creating a feature built into most major browsers to block ads that will be widely adopted.
Microsoft has introduced Edge as the default Windows 10 browser, and although third-party add-ons are available to block spam as Chrome does, a project like this could eventually help provide a cleaner, Secure the user without any external browser additions.

According to reports, Google is particularly interested in developing the built-in ad blocking feature in browsers as a way to stop extortion because of its high fees for ads whitelisted by ad blocking plug-ins, as it is one of the world's largest online advertisers.

As for Microsoft, the company has not yet confirmed plans to integrate ad blocker on its browser, but nevertheless everyone agrees that the property will come with a new browser update soon.