Most of those who use the torrent for the first time often deal with uTorrent, but many of them change the program later because of programs with better features and interfaces. Soon uTorrent will move to work from your preferred browser directly which means a great development can be seen in the service.
UTorrent currently has 150 million active users per month, but the program suffers from a lack of modernization and most of its features known today are the same five years ago.
Bram Cohen, the creator of the BitTorrent protocol, spoke of the company's plan to transfer its uTorrent program to work directly within the browser, which means improving the user experience and providing more advanced technologies and features for developers to take advantage of.
With this transition, users will be able to view and broadcast movies and content directly from the browser, as do Torrent-based movie viewing sites.
It can be said that this idea came from the company of the browser project Maelstrom, which decided not to launch and submit a new format within the main browsers used by Torrent fans. Thus, the user will not need to upload and install a new browser to watch movies via torrent, but will be able to do so from his favorite browser and default.
It is not known when this transition will take place, but it will be smooth, gradual and slow so that users will not be surprised by the new situation. The Torrent program has been in existence for more than 10 years.
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