Microsoft will soon release a new product to compete with the Chromebook

Microsoft is expected to unveil the new Windows 10 Cloud operating system next month at a hardware and software event in New York City....

Microsoft intends to integrate the ad blocking feature with its Edge browser

It turned out earlier this week that Google plans to develop a feature built-in with Google Chrome in order to block ads. On the same ...

The most common Windows error messages with the method of solving them easily !!

Windows users know very well that every user of this system can not pass a day without receiving an error message, yes Windows system, alt...

The most important thing announced by Facebook on its platform Facebook Messenger

The social networking site Facebook has taken advantage of its annual F8 developers' event to reveal its latest developments. Among...

YouTube is testing a new feature !

Google's YouTube video platform has tested a new feature on its platform, with the "night mode" feature on a number of de...

Paid applications can now be downloaded free of charge directly from the Google Play Store !!

Google has in the past few days launched some paid applications on Google Play to download them for free, so I said with myself this is th...